Dean Hurley's Anthology Resource Vol. I, a compiled forty minutes of underscore and menacing sound design, sat oddly in its album format. Originally appearing in David Lynch's revived Twin Peaks, now untethered, tracks felt disjointed, wandering; as labyrinthine, and cavernous with potential readings as the show they lived in.
Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy of Beyond demystifies things a little — but scatters itself even further; the windborne ash of Vol. I's electrical fire. Still mostly composed of soundtrack snippets (this time from Eddie Alcazar's Perfect), Hurley's work stands now as a more successful whole.
While a clear stickler for detail, Hurley has here taken more of a 'big-picture' approach, unifying the tracks on Vol II with a clear, common theme. It's simple, it's been done before, but it's ripe for exploration: where do we go when we die, when we sleep? Hurley explores the unseen worlds around and above us, atomising his sound in the process.
Long sweeps of beautiful ambience are the air shimmering above Vol. I's boiling tarmac; burning just as hot, but with a dance instead of a stink. This release really shows Hurley's versatility, and stands as a worthy companion to its predecessor.
Anthology Resource Vol. II is available for purchase and streaming here.
Words by Andrew O’Keefe